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Writer's pictureAleksandar Tosevski

Prevention of infectious diseases

The most common health problems that occur in children are the flu and colds. Both are viral diseases, but they are different from each other. Colds are caused by more than 200 different viruses. The symptoms of a cold appear gradually and are: stuffy nose or watery discharge from the nose; sneezing; sore throat; headache; and a slightly elevated temperature (more often in children).


Unlike a cold, the flu starts suddenly. Symptoms include: fever, high body temperature above 38°C (several days), headache, fatigue, muscle pain, cough, runny nose, sore throat.


Prevention includes:

  • Acquiring hygiene habits. Maintaining personal hygiene reduces the risk of transmitting bacteria and viruses by a large percentage. Simply washing your hands regularly with lukewarm water and soap reduces these diseases by over 80%;

  • Regular ventilation of the premises helps remove airborne pathogens and maintain air quality;

  • Avoiding contact with sick individuals, especially those who are sneezing, coughing, or have a fever;

  • Correct hygienic-dietary regime (healthy diet, physical activity, time for rest and sleep);

  • Regular and timely immunization;

  • Intake of fresh foods rich in vitamins and minerals;

  • Introduction of products with which we can also influence the immune system (probiotics, antioxidants, etc.).



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