Generally speaking, life is a series of changes. Every seven to ten years, all the cells in our body are completely replaced. Throughout our lives, we change the way we think and experience the world around us. As time goes on, our wants and needs change. The circumstances that surround us also change daily, sometimes even too quickly and unexpectedly.
The direction we are currently headed in life may or may not be the best for us. If we surrender to the happenings, we remain in the zone of the known. Even when things around us do not suit us and are not in our interest, we still remain in the zone of commotion.
Fate is not immutable, although I personally prefer the word future. Fate is associated with something that is certain and unchanging, while we shape the future ourselves. No matter how many things around us we cannot control, they directly affect our lives. There is always a way and space to do some things to redirect our future in a direction that suits us.
As we move, breathe, and live, we have a chance to turn things to our advantage. We don't have to be unhappy for the rest of our lives. But we have to change many things in ourselves to be able to control our future. We ourselves are responsible for everything that happens in our lives—for all successes and failures, for all small and big steps, for all good and wrong decisions.
When we understand this, we will no longer blame others. We will not depend on the people around us, but we will be able to start the change freely. All it takes is a strong desire for change to happen.